I have been practicing Reiki techniques professionally for over seven years. I have assisted thousands of people in healing themselves.

Free Full 90 Minutes Chakra Balancing Session
Everything in our universe is radiating energy, from the biggest mountains or oceans, to the tiniest flowers, to each individual cell in...

When a Bottle Helps You Win an Internal Battle of a Climate Change Debate
How many of you are interested in the issue of climate change, global warming and sustainability? I certainly am and wanted to share some...

Manifestation Space - Script From a Session With Bashar
Number One: VISION. Vision, Vision, Vision. Simply meaning, have an image. Have an idea. Have a dream. Have a wish. Have a vision, have a...

Journey To Freedom
Journey To Freedom Love and Light to All Humanity from Mary Magdalena, who is present with Us Today, in this transmission. We would like...

Tummo Meditation to Keep You Warm This Christmas :)
Spiritual blessings come wrapped in trials, however there exist scientifically proven tools to help you along your way to happiness and...