Hypnotherapy and the Release of Past Traumas
Neuroscience behind trauma and applicable skills used in healing with hypnotherapy

Affordable On-line Reiki Course For Self Healing
“Sometimes you no longer recognize yourself. You want to overcome it, but it overcomes you. You want to set limits, but it compels you to...

How To Exit The Matrix?
Greetings My Friends! Have you ever had this feeling, that there is an energy possibly feeding off of your human experiences? Feeling...

Journey To Freedom
Journey To Freedom Love and Light to All Humanity from Mary Magdalena, who is present with Us Today, in this transmission. We would like...

Why is Grounding and Chakra Balancing More Important Then Your Morning Coffee?
Grounding is easy and fun, when you are spending time in nature! All you need to do is walk barefoot on surfaces like: *Sand ( are you...