Re-write Your History
The closer you are to death, the closer you are to life. Powerful, often life changing circumstances, like nothing else can help revivify...

Don't be an Agent For Negative Beliefs!
Happy Solstice Everyone! This time of the year I wish you even more relentlessness and ferocious passion to continue identifying and...

Focused Consciousness, called perception is a product of the environment, where the living being exists. There are many different types...

Are you a full expression of the gene of the consciousness?
Life within you exists on multitude of levels that are simultaneously experienced. Are you a full expression of the gene of the...

How To Exit The Matrix?
Greetings My Friends! Have you ever had this feeling, that there is an energy possibly feeding off of your human experiences? Feeling...

Journey To Freedom
Journey To Freedom Love and Light to All Humanity from Mary Magdalena, who is present with Us Today, in this transmission. We would like...