Foreshadowing Failure, How to Truly Reach Your Goals
Let's delve into some catchy concepts and phrases in the wisdom academy field, like focusing on positive thinking, visualizations of...

Manifestation Space - Script From a Session With Bashar
Number One: VISION. Vision, Vision, Vision. Simply meaning, have an image. Have an idea. Have a dream. Have a wish. Have a vision, have a...

One Extraordinary Act a Day
Greetings from Chicago again, where I will be offering hypnosis, energy healing and coaching sessions for the next two months! Below is a...

Don't be an Agent For Negative Beliefs!
Happy Solstice Everyone! This time of the year I wish you even more relentlessness and ferocious passion to continue identifying and...

Focused Consciousness, called perception is a product of the environment, where the living being exists. There are many different types...